Mat.No. 1.1248/DIN Ck75/AISI 1075

This is one of the higher carbon steels used for high hardness in the fully hardened condition. In such condition the steel is more brittle than the lower carbon steels.

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  • Mat.No. 1.1248/DIN Ck75/AISI 1075

This is one of the higher carbon steels used for high hardness in the fully hardened condition. In such condition the steel is more brittle than the lower carbon steels. Designation by Standards.


Chemical Composition (in weight %)



Quenched and subsequently tempered steel for cold rolled springs strips, wire, forgings, cutting tools, etc. 

Physical properties (average values) at ambient temperature
Modulus of elasticity [103 x N/mm2]: 210  

Density [g/cm3]: 7.85


Soft Annealing
Anneal at 926oC and slow furnace cool. 

Hardens by cold working and heating and quenching. 


Temper, after heating and quenching, at 350-700oC. However this steel is most often used in the fully hardened condition (not tempered) of Rockwell C 55 or so.

Hot forming temperature: 1050-850oC. 

The machinability of this steel suffers because of the high carbon content. It rates at 50% that of the AISI 1112 steel that is considered the 100% machinable base reference. 

CK75 steel is weldable by all of the welding methods. However with its higher carbon content it is important to use both pre-heat at 150 to 260oC and post-heat at 590 to 650oC practice per an approved welding procedure. 

Cold working

Cold working of CK75 is difficult even in the annealed condition. However it may be done by conventional methods but requires more force than for the low carbon steels.  

Forms manufactured
Please see the Dimensional Sales Program. 

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